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Culture Research 


1. About 80 percent of the population is classified as European

2. Chinese and Indians total almost 1 percent of the population

3. POPULATION: 3.4 million

4. North Island is  known for its two active volcanoes

5. National significance is Waitangi Day (February 6), commemorating the signing of the Treat of Waitangi between the Maori and Great Britain in 1840.

6. New Zealanders like to refer to themselves as "kiwis."

7. New Zealanders live in single houses with large yards and flower or vegetable gardens

8. Most people will dry clothes outside instead of using power. 

9. It is common to have 2-3 children 

10. Breakfast is commonly eggs, sausage, and bacon. Lunch is likely a meat pie, hamburger, or sandwich. Dinner is some type of meat dish, often lamb. The most popular traditional dinner is roast lamb with mint sauce, typically served with roasted potatoes, roast kumara (New Zealand's sweet potato), and roast pumpkin. In addition, it is common to have a midmorning snack called "morning tea" and a bedtime snack called "supper." British-style afternoon tea is still popular, complete with scones or cakes especially when having guests

11. The adult literacy rate (ability to read and write) is 99 percent

12. Young people may leave school at age fifteen to work. Most stay in school through the eleventh grade (fifth form), earning a school certificate. Students planning to go to college continue their secondary education until the age of seventeen or eighteen, when they take university qualifying exams. 

13. New Zealand has six universities.

14. Rugby is the national game 

15. Summer vacation is December to February

Self portrit project 

This is my self portrit project. Everything in these photos means something to me. I have the word FALL in it and that is because my favourit season is fall with all the leaves and pretty colours. Also in these ictures is my bunny her name is Whiskey and I love her so much and thats why Iwanted to include her in my photos because she is my favourite thing in the world.

New Zeland

I have always wanted to go here. 

Fall Bunny 

I created this because I love fall and my bunny

Photogrid Project 


This is the veggie fruit head project we took different fruits and vegatables and made a charcter out of the pictures we found. we had to crop and change things whithin each fruit or veggie to make them all fit together. 


In this project we took food and added them to a background to make a world of food. My trees are broccoli. The clouds are calliflower. All the grass is little bunches of beans that I peiced together. The little creatures are pineapple. The sun is a lemon and my pathway is almonds. 

Summer Paradise

I made this as an extra project because i wanted to do something to do with summer since its summer now and summer is a great season. 

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